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Digital World Map
AS OF MARCH 5, 2022
105 countries

1,289 hotels
2,328 flights
4,554,692 air miles
9,445 hours and 19 minutes
(more than 1 year and 29 days) in the air
Vintage Blank Stamp
Vintage Blank Stamp
1. El Al Israel Airlines - 437,272
2. United Airlines - 395,007
3. Delta Airlines - 301,117
4. Pan American World Airways ☹ - 261,461
5. British Airways (incl. BEA & BOAC) - 245,217
1. Delta Airlines - 162
2. United Airlines - 143
3. American Airlines - 121
4. El Al Israel Airways - 115
5. British Airways (incl. BEA & BOAC) - 110
Top five airlines by mileage
Top five airlines by number of flights
Vintage Blank Stamp
Top five aircraft flown
1. Boeing 747 - 367 flights
2. Airbus A318/319/320/321 - 271 flights
3. Boeing 737 - 232 flights
4. Boeing 727 - 203 flights
5. Boeing 767 - 166 flights
Vintage Blank Stamp
Transatlantic ocean crossings
1. RMS Queen Elizabeth 2 - 4 crossings
2. SS Canberra - 1 crossing
3. SS France - 1 crossing
4. RMS Queen Elizabeth - 1 crossing
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