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All Abroad

A Memoir of Travel and Obsession
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Yearning for an escape from a claustrophobic childhood, Geoffrey Weill became infatuated with travel. At twenty-three, the budding British connoisseur made his way across the Atlantic on an ocean liner. The year was 1973, and he was bound for New York to pursue a promising role as consultant-in-training at the headquarters of the world’s oldest travel agency, Thomas Cook. The idyllic trip was reminiscent of those from the early twentieth century but made distinctly modern by a nightly reminder—at the onboard dance club, one was sure to run into a sequin-clad David Bowie.

All Abroad is the memoir of a man hungry for the logistics of travel: getting there, staying there, and feeling at home on any continent. Woven into his entertaining anecdotes is an informative account of a lost era in travel. As a witness to compelling and monumental changes in the industry, Weill offers a unique view into how our vacations have been shaped deeply by human trends, tragedies, and technologies. While some long for the grandeur of tourism from decades ago, Weill insists that travel—the conveyances and hotels that await journey’s end—remains as glamorous as ever.

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If like me, you adhere to the adage that it’s the journey and not the destination that matters, then this utterly fascinating tale of a man’s obsessive travel and obsession with every detail of traveling is the book for you! But this is so much more than just a glamorous travelogue. It’s a tender memoir of an eccentric family scattered across the globe, a searing commentary on institutionalized antisemitism, and a celebration of the life of a joyous nomad named Geoffrey Weill.” — Alan Cumming

Like a telegram from a long-lost and infinitely more glamorous era, All Abroad evokes the thrill and mystery of travel without an ounce of nostalgia. Yes, there are the grandest of hotels, ocean liners, and Swiss trains in this book but also incidents of cruel discrimination and heartbreaking family secrets — all from one of the godfathers of the modern travel business, Geoffrey Weill. Absolutely brilliant.
Luke Barr, New York Times best-selling author of Provence, 1970 

It is with great sadness that I write to tell you that today I reached the end of one of the most enjoyable books that I have ever read. I rationed myself to just a few pages a day, in order to eke out my enjoyment and today I sadly came to the final page.

Geoffrey, you are a truly brilliant author and I cannot wait for your next masterpiece. I savoured every word on every page and please promise me that you will sit down and write another book, very soon?I am looking forward to the day that we meet, that I might thank you in person for the pleasure that All Abroad brought me.  Sandra Seifert, London

What a good book!  It is so well written, evocative, honest, funny... You entertained me, taught me, took me to some places I know very well, introduced me to some new ones, time-travelled me to a London I will never know. There is a generosity in gifting your memories and your family story that moves me - to tears, especially in the pages about your sister.  And I heard your voice through the pages, enjoyed your wit, your irreverence, your freedom. I have always felt lucky I got to meet you, and now also so proud. Thank you for going through your memories..
Annalisa Maestri, Global Communications Manager, The Dorchester Collection

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